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バイタル アース ミネラルズ    Vital Earth Minerals

ヒューミック ミネラルズ リキッド    Humic Minerals Liquid

サイズ:32 Ounces
ヒューミック ミネラルズ リキッド
バイタル アース ミネラルズ バイタル アース ミネラルズ全製品へ
通常価格:¥8,853 (非課税)
割引価格:¥4,300 (非課税)

英語から日本語へのGoogle翻訳(ご参考)---> <自動翻訳>

Humic Minerals
32 oz. Liquid - 30 Day Supply
(regular strength)

An exceptional humic product with a rich dark color. The taste is slightly stronger than fulvic and is similar to an earthly herbal tea.
Alkaline pH of between 9.0 and 9.5
Humic minerals from an organic whole food based source
Gently processed without heat, pressure extrusion, or chemicals of any kind
Extracted from ancient fresh water plant matter rich in essential minerals, trace elements and amino acids
No gluten, sugar, preservatives or additives. Non-GMO

Only nature can provide this vital substance

  • Supports normal strong immune function*
  • Helps build resistance to seasonal challenges*
  • Key to normal healing responses of cells*
  • Stimulates the body’s ability to detoxify tissues*
  • Supports the body’s healthy inflammation response*

    Living humic is so complex that no one has been able to duplicate or mimic a synthetic version in a laboratory. Daily supplementation of natural ionic plant derived minerals assist with every biological bodily process, from support for healthy heart and cognitive function, to normal bone building and balanced hormone acitivity.

    Unfortunately our mass production farming practices create fruits and vegetables that are terribly deficient in humic. So your best and most reliable daily source is to supplement with humic extracted directly from a whole food based source and gently filtered to preserve all natural nutrients. (Chemically processed humic and colloidals offer minimal benefit)

    Humic can be thought of as a defender of every normal biological function. It offers unsurpassed absorption and vital interaction with other organic molecules in the body such as polysaccharides, proteins, enzymes, and lipids. Humic Minerals are essential for enhancing the body’s normal ability to remove harmful compounds, the support of all rejuvenating processes, and the maintenance of normal cellular protection and integrity. Humic helps:

  • Promote digestive well-being*
  • Support the normal healing of bones, muscles, and nerves*
  • Support healthy immune function*
  • Augment balanced hormone function, and metabolic reactions*
  • Assist with normal blood oxygenation*
  • Provide antioxidant support for cell protection against free radicals*
  • Assist the body’s conversion of sugar into energy* spacer
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    AHCC イムノ メディック 1000 細粒1g×120袋

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    フリーダイヤル(0120-987-651)でお気軽にお問い合わせください。消化吸収率の高いイムノリンク AHCC+ナノ型ラブレ菌 50ml×60本 もございます!
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    割引価格:¥10,722 (非課税)
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    割引価格:¥29,308 (非課税)
    T.J. クラーク オリジナル フォーミュラ コロイダル ミネラルズ 32 Ounces

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    割引価格:¥4,136 (非課税)
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    割引価格:¥2,016 (非課税)
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    割引価格:¥1,779 (非課税)
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    割引価格:¥755 (非課税)
    ネイチャーティント パーマネント ヘア コララント, ダーク チェスナッツ ブラウン (3N) 5.6 Ounces

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    割引価格:¥2,326 (非課税)
    オプティマイズド レスベラトロール 250 mg 60 Vcaps

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    通常価格:¥6,513 (非課税)
    割引価格:¥4,396 (非課税)

    フリーダイヤル 0120-987-651 電話受付 月〜金 10:00AM〜3:00PM(祝祭日除く)
    FAX 0749-54-5255

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